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BenQ Song |
BenQ Song ( 語言: 英文 ) ( IPIS 蟑螂合唱團 ) →【 下載 MP3 】 |
讓充滿享樂風格、 HIP HOP 曲風的 "BenQ Song" 陪你度過最感動的 BenQ Life ! "BenQ I'm crazy, crazy for you~" 記得 2003 年 5 月底明基發表 BenQ 新的企業視覺系統 (VI, Visual Identity) 時, IPIS 這首充滿愉悅氣息、享樂風格的 "BenQ Song" 在現場營造出感動的氛圍,這首 BenQ Song 是「 IPIS 蟑螂合唱團」因為認同 BenQ 品牌主張與個性,進而而主動創作的音樂作品。隨時隨地來場即興的音樂吧,現在就下載專屬於 BenQ 的歡樂音符,為你的生活來點精彩!
〈BenQ Song歌詞〉...........................................................................................................
(Intro) BenQ I'm crazy, crazy for you (Cool Rap) Go Mobile , Get Connected Share Your Inspiration, Unleash Your Creativity Expand Your Enjoyment (Verse1) Ooo, BenQ BenQ I'm so crazy Crazy and in love with you Crazy cause I know it's true Why don't you open up your heart and let me in (Verse2) 'Coz BenQ, your love is all I need to heal me To heal the craziness that keeps on haunting me Day & night gotta have you Right here with me (Chorus) BenQ I'm crazy, crazy for you BenQ I'm crazy, crazy in love BenQ I'm crazy, crazy for you Never say you ain't Happy Cause BenQ I'm in love and crazy (RAP) Listen, Take it easy, I'm not really crazy, Be cool my lady, I'll show you some fantasy, BenQ has a unique and fun personality, Bringing enjoyment and quality. B.E.N.Q. to life with technology that free people to love like a family, Let's sing the world harmony, Bring enjoyment N' quality to reality. (Bridge) Dream about us together Dream about us making love Dream about you holding me tight Love is so right with you.... (Chorus x 3) BenQ I'm crazy, crazy for you BenQ I'm crazy, crazy in love BenQ I'm crazy, crazy for you Never say you ain't Happy Cause BenQ I'm in love and crazy